Call Center Outsourcing

There are several advantages in outsourcing your Contact Center: your company increases the focus on the core business and corporate strategy, optimizes the time of key professionals, reduces operating costs and expands your business in a structured way.

Every day, companies lose customers for many reasons. The key factors is the negative experience during the service. Yes, the quality and the way in which communication is conducted are crucial to the success of your company’s relationship with its audience.

With this in mind, we shaped a humanized team specialized in active and receptive calls, with the best in training for contact with the most diverse audiences.

We also know that a Contact Center must be more than just an environment to receive and make calls. And that managing a team to be effective and at the same time sensitive to its customers is not a simple task. Therefore, our Contact Center professionals are assisted by highly technological tools that speed up their work in real time, enabling a more integrated and efficient management, which can serve any type of business.

Technologies used in our Contact Center

Smart Service IVR

Branded Calls – Caller ID

Noise Firewall

Prioritization of the Service Ranking

Termination with Quality Routes

Unique National Number

Sales Robot

Sending SMS and Chat

Storage of recordings

Proprietary Management and Control Tools

With all this technology and support, your employees will be able to focus their energies on taking care of the strategic part of your business and paying more attention to your customers. In addition, with Contact Center Outsourcing it is possible to reduce costs, increase scalability according to demand, gain time and efficiency for your business in Brazil.

Facilities for
Call Center

If before getting to know our outsourcing services, you set up your Call Center structure and now need to optimize its performance, we have a specialized consultancy and several technological solutions that can help your business.

Check out our solutions and get in touch with our consultants to find the best solutions for your business.

Workstation rental
(CO-Contact Center)

Need to have your own team, but don’t have suitable space to set up the physical part of your Call Center in Brazil?

GOSAT can help you with that! We have a fully structured space and the best technological and telephony solutions on the market.

Contact Us


Our Team is the heartbeat of our business!

We believe that quality service is a consequence of the best in each person and the way they are treated. That’s why we look at each member of our team as a person and not as a number.

We empathize with their particularities and give freedom to our employees to express themselves. We are constantly investing to create a harmonious and challenging workspace.

Our team has state-of-the-art technology, flexible hours when necessary and the possibility of working remotely, in addition to being treated with respect and transparency about the business and involved in part of the Contact Center decisions.

Bearing this in mind, we contribute to a better quality of life, reduce stress and make for a highly motivated work environment.

Come take over the world with us!
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